CLD Lead - Miss S Smith
Special Educational Needs Teaching Assessment and Advice (SENTAA) provide specialist support to children who have cognition and learning difficulties (CLD). They work alongside staff providing bespoke interventions to help children with CLD so that they can be successful in a mainstream setting. They will also meet with parents to discuss strategies that might help children in the home setting. CLD includes children with moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and children with specific learning difficulties (SpLD) which includes children with dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
SENTAA regularly visit school to monitor children who have a diagnosis of CLD or children we feel may have CLD. We are able to access their support once they have been assessed.
Our CLD lead can help support children, families and school staff manage children who have CLD. Anybody wishing to speak to Miss Smith about any aspect of CLD is welcome to get in touch via the school office.
Useful Links
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support