The School Governors play a strategic role in making decisions and taking action to improve the standards of teaching and learning for all pupils at the school in a safe and stimulating environment. Clerking services for the governors are provided by Attingham Education.

Melanie Fitter
Chair of Governors - Co-opted Governor
Scrutiny and Outcomes, Finance and General Purposes - Pupil and Sports Premium

Sarah Vogel
Vice Chair - Co-opted Governor
Scrutiny and Outcomes - Safeguarding

Nicole Fowles
Headteacher & Staff Governor
Scrutiny and Outcomes, Finance and General Purposes

Caroline Fisher (nee Budd)
Deputy Headteacher & Staff Governor
Finance and General Purposes, Scrutiny and Outcomes
Sharon Ealing
Co-opted Governor
Scrutiny and Outcomes
Dr Rizwan Rafi
Co-opted Governor
Narinder Singh
Co-opted Governor
Finance and General Purposes - Careers
Manisha Vadgama
Co-opted Governor
Scrutiny and Outcomes - EYFS
Cathie Whiting
Co-opted Governor
Scrutiny and Outcomes, Finance and General Purposes - Community
Local Authority Governor
Liz Byrd
Parent Governor

Zoe Smyth
Parent Governor
Finance and General Purposes - Curriculum, SEND
Martin Dyke
Associate Member
Finance and General Purposes
Emma Woodhouse
Clerk (Attingham Education)