Our Staff

At Coleshill Heath, our CORE PRIORITY is to adopt a high-performing culture so that EVERY child receives access to a safe, successful and highly positive environment... EVERY day.

We believe a 'team' should recognise individual strengths but work for a common purpose to foster a sense of collective responsibility. Additionally, we ensure that all teachers continue to be learners themselves by providing meaningful professional development opportunities and reflecting on our practices.

Use these tabs to learn about the people and roles within our school, and if you have any questions you can always email us, here


Miss Nicole Fowles

Miss Nicole Fowles


Strategic Lead, Whole School Responsibility, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Teaching & Learning, Standards, Leadership, Vision, Strategic Planning and Evaluation


Deputy Headteacher

Miss C Budd

Miss C Budd

Deputy Headteacher

Immediate Support To Strategic Lead

Named SENDCO and progress of SEND pupils Looked After Children (LAC) Named Teacher Monitoring and Evaluation Parent & Community Liaison Whole School Management and Organisation (Timetabling) Strategic Lead for SEND Intervention Safeguarding

Assistant Headteachers

Miss R Thomas

Miss R Thomas

Assistant Head

Curriculum, Teaching & Learning and Phase 2

Strategic Core Curriculum Development, Developing Teaching & Learning, Liaise with External Support via UNITY

Mr A Russell

Mr A Russell

Assistant Head

Behaviour and Pastoral, Phase 3

Pupil Premium and catch-up, Pastoral and Behaviour Team Line Manager and Strategic Tracking and Reporting

Miss T Strong

Miss T Strong

Strategic Lead: Early Years

EYFS and Year 1 (Phase 1)

EYFS Curriculum, Provision and Environment and Assessment and Standards

Senior Leadership Team

Miss N Fowles


Miss C Budd

Deputy Headteacher

Miss Strong

Assistant Headteacher

Mr A Russell

Assistant Headteacher

Miss R Thomas

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs H Hennessy

Assessment and Maths Lead

(Maternity Leave)

Mrs K Gallier

Inclusion Lead Practitioner


Miss C Budd


Miss S Smith

CLD Lead

Mrs N Catlow

EYFS & Speech and Language

Mrs K Gallier

Inclusion Lead Practitioner & ASD Lead

Miss J Hayes



Nursery Teacher

Miss S Thomson

Support Staff

Mrs R Arnold, Miss M Calthorpe, Miss A Homer, Miss L O’Connor, Miss V Tombs



Mr M Hunt, Miss S Smith

Support Staff

Ms S Gorman

SEND Provision


Miss J Hayes [Th-F], Mrs C Holtom [M-W]

Support Staff

Miss K Palmer  [3 days], TBC [2 days]

Year 1


Miss Z Bonehill, Miss K Price

Support Staff

Miss N Jones, Miss K Owen, Ms V Pope

Year 2


Miss R Foster, Miss K McCombe, Mrs H Pow

Support Staff

Ms R Gibbs, Mrs J Harding [4 days], Mrs A Haycock, Mrs K Morris

Year 3


Miss S Hewitt, Miss K Stevens

Support Staff

Mr N Brown - Pastoral, Miss C Johnson, Miss N Linthwaite

Year 4


Miss S Burrowes, Mr M Stevens, Miss K Watt

Support Staff

Mrs S Bird, Mrs H Harb/Mrs E Graham, Mrs A Hunt

Year 5


Miss L Boland/Mr D Day, Miss K Mudan

Support Staff

Mr J Fletcher, Miss R Hunt

Year 6


Mr D McGann, Miss C Powers, Miss J Robinson, Miss D Wright

Support Staff

Mrs O Major, Mrs S Turrell - Pastoral

Office Administration

Mrs D Curley

Business Manager

Finance, HR, Health & Safety, Premises

Miss R Worrall

Office Manager

Mrs D Dunleavy

Finance Officer and SEND Admin

Mrs J Perry, Miss R Thorneywork

Secretarial and Admin Support

Other Team Members

Mr T Blunn

Site Manager

Mr R Holmes

Site Manager

Mrs A Buckley

Senior Lunchtime and Cleaning Staff Supervisor

Mrs J Rawlings

Head Cook

Mr M Abbott

ICT Network Manager
