Team CHS firmly believe in the importance of providing our children with a nurturing environment to help support their learning and development.

That is why CHS have chosen to become a Nurture UK school, following the six principles of 'Nurture' throughout our daily school lives. Watch the video below to learn more about how Coleshill Heath School is a nurturing school.

Nurture @ CHS by Matthew Abbott Nurture at CHS by Matthew Abbott


What this means for your child?

• Through our Early Years and Connecting Curriculum, we help your children to develop life-long character traits, to enhance their self-esteem, to learn about themselves and to build resilience.

• The development of social and emotional skills is at the heart of all we do and how we speak to and teach your children.

• We use positive reinforcement and nurturing opportunities to support children to recognise and manage their emotions.

• We actively seek pupil voice through surveys, class discussions and School Parliament meetings.

• Transitions are carefully planned.

• Children feel safe at CHS and are supported to develop their emotional literacy.

• We understand children learn and develop at differently and this is reflected in

our curriculum and approaches.

For additional information, you can visit the Nurture UK website here

Nurture at CHS

Updated: 11/10/2024 3.60 MB
An introduction into Nurture at CHS.