Uniform Expectations
At CHS children are expected to wear the school uniform and promote the school badge proudly because
“…wearing a school uniform is a badge of pride, creates an identity for a school and is an important part of being a school student.”
- Navy blue school sweatshirt or cardigan
- White polo shirt or school shirt
- Grey trousers
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- Navy blue and white summer dress
- Black, grey or white socks or grey tights
PE Uniform
- Plain white t-shirt
- Blue shorts/ blue jogging bottoms
- Trainers or pumps
- Black shoes only (trainers are not acceptable)
- Heeled shoes are not permitted
The only jewellery allowed is one pair of stud earrings.
School Uniform
Order your school uniform online from Brigade
Log on to www.brigade.uk.com
Enter Coleshill Heath School (delivery to school service) and select the school from the drop down list provided.
or visit:
Mansuri Schoolwear (Jumpers and cardigans only)
163 Yew Tree Lane
B26 1AY
Tel: 0121 784 4230
To save disappointment, please telephone before you visit to see if they stock what you require.