For Nursery and Early years start and finish times, please consult your class teacher.
Attendance at CHS
Regular school attendance is essential to give your child or children a successful and well-rounded education. Every day missed is a day they're not improving upon their knowledge, communication skills, and social skills. That's why at #TeamCHS we are constantly encouraging our families to maintain a high standard of attendance for pupils. This is recognised with weekly announcements in assembly and cash rewards for the classes with the highest level of attendance each week, which classes can decide how to spend themselves at the end of the school year.
In the below infographic, it's easy to see just how a few days missed can have a significant impact on your child's education.
Reporting Absences
It is your responsibility as parents and carers to contact the school office on the first day of absence before 9.15am. Any absences without a reason provided will be marked as unauthorised. Please contact the school office by telephone on 0121 779 8070 or by e-mail at
All leave of absence requests will be unauthorised unless the circumstances are exceptional. A parent/carer should complete an absence request form which can be obtained from the office.