Each class in #TeamCHS follows the above behaviour blueprint. This bridges the gap between the school's Positive Behaviour Policy and daily behaviour practice around the school.
The blueprint includes Over and Above - the recognition of exceptional pupil effort and achievement; Relentless Routines - the daily expectations for children throughout the school and Stepped Boundaries - the consistent steps across the school to deal with unacceptable behaviour, in line with the restorative approach.
Our three clear expectations (school rules) are present across the middle of our blueprint, Being Ready; Being Respectful and Being Safe.
In addition, our blueprint also includes the Coleshill Heath Code - the school values that staff and students are encouraged to live by on a day-to-day basis. Each school value is also a school house.
Our pupils are expected to uphold our school values and our school rules.
Recognition and Rewards for Effort
We recognise and reward pupils who go Over and Above our standards as well as those who consistently follow the Coleshill Heath Code.
Our Positive Recognition Includes:
- RECIPE Awards
- Behaviour Star (with name in lights)
- Dojo points (Individual and for school houses)
- Positive calls and notes home
- Hot Choc Friday
- Tea with me (Reading recognition)
- Wristbands for children consistently following school rules
If you would like any further information on our behaviour policy, school rules, values or the blueprint, please contact office@chs.solihul.sch.uk