“The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing is that it matters EVERY DAY”.

CHS Mission Statement


  • We provide a safe, positive and successful learning culture for every child, every single day
  • We live our values of kindness, courage, confidence and honesty   [the CHS code]
  • We follow our rules: to be ready, respectful and safe
  • We expect that all children achieve 'over and above' their potential
  • We ensure every child is equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to gain personal success
  • We encourage young minds to dream bigger, think harder, be challenged further and achieve more than they could ever imagine.


Teaching and Learning at CHS: Every Lesson Counts Model

The single most important resource children can have is their teacher and the greatest indication of a teacher’s effectiveness is their children’s successes. Quality First Teaching generates effective learning. The ‘Every Lesson Counts’ model encompasses six key principles to support effective teaching and learning.

High Expectations

High expectations are consistently demonstrated by every adult within our learning community, for every child and in every lesson.

Teachers have high expectations for all learners, including those who come from vulnerable groups (CHS SEND Policy), ensuring excellence and equality for all. Inclusion is a high-priority at CHS and teachers plan for all groups of learners.

Adaptive teaching is an expectation to enable all groups of pupils to achieve.

High standards are consistently expected and positively enforced. These include: attitudes to learning with explicit reference to ‘RECIPE for Success’; behaviour and use of the Coleshill Heath Code and the productivity and presentation of learning.


At Coleshill Heath School, we generate our learning power by using RECIPE for Success in all areas of our learning.  The outline of RECIPE:

R = Ready to learn   E = Effective learner   C = Creative learner   I = Independent learner

P = Participating learner   E = Evaluative learner


To ensure there is clarity for both adults and children in terms of the agreed expectations in all of the above areas, our Behaviour Blueprint, school values and feedback and presentation codes are evident within the ethos of every classroom.   


We expect all adults and children in our learning environment to follow our school values; Kindness, Confidence, Courage and Honesty.