ASD Lead - Mrs Gallier
The Autism Team from the Specialist Inclusion Support Service (SISS) provide specialist support to children who are on the autistic spectrum. They work alongside staff providing bespoke interventions to help children with ASD so that they can be successful in a mainstream setting. They will also meet with parents to discuss strategies that might help children in the home setting. SISS also provides a range of support for parents and families through courses and events, that Mrs Gallier can signpost to.
SISS Specialist teachers regularly visit school to support children who have a diagnosis of autism or children we feel are on the autistic spectrum. We are able to access their support once they have a diagnosis from the Specialist Assessment Centre.
Our ASD lead can help support children, families and school staff manage children who have autism. Anybody wishing to speak to Mrs Gallier about any aspect of autism is welcome to get in touch via the school office.
Please use the below links for additional useful information
SASSI - Solihull Autistic Spectrum Support and Information