
At Coleshill Heath, we believe that exposing children to another language is to experience a different life. Coleshill Heath wants every child to have the opportunity to learn an additional language. Latin was chosen as it exposes our pupils to the etymology of English vocabulary. 

When the children enter Year 3, they will undertake a programme of Classics education, which incorporates the Latin language. They follow a Minimus Classics scheme, enriching their current knowledge of the English language both in reading and writing. It provides pupils with linguistic knowledge and offers purposeful links to other topics in the National Curriculum, fostering pupils’ curiosity and deepening their understanding of the world.  

We believe that learning Latin gives our children a strong foundation prior to learning languages in Secondary School. We are supported in our Classics education programme by the charity 'Classics For All' and work alongside experts from Birmingham University.

Additionally, Year 3 children have the opportunity to learn an additional language, Spanish, during an extra-curricular club ran on Thursday’s after school. 

Latin Documents

Updated: 19/03/2025 24 KB
Updated: 19/03/2025 42 KB

Maximum Classics
A course designed to give our children the foundations of the Latin language.

Minimus Mouse
This is a direct link to the Minimus home page, where you can find games, information about the family and key vocabulary.